Dividend payment policy of the Company

The Company has a policy to pay out dividends at the rate of not less than 40.0% of its net profits stated on the Company’s financial statements after deduction of the corporate income tax and legal reserve each year. The Company considers to make dividend payment based on various factors that will be mostly beneficial to the shareholders such as the Company’s performance and financial status, investment plans in each period as deemed reasonable or appropriate by the Board of Directors. The dividend payment shall not have a significant impact on the Company’s normal business operation. The resolution of the Board of Directors on dividend payment shall be further proposed to the shareholders’ meeting for approval, except the payment of interim dividends where the Board of Directors has its authority to approve and then report the same to the next shareholders’ meeting.

Dividend payment policy of the subsidiary companies

The Company’s subsidiaries have a policy to pay out dividends at the rate of not less than 20.0% (40.0% for WHAUP – Please see more details in Form 56-1 One Report 2023 of WHAUP) of net profits stated on each company’s financial statements after deduction of the corporate income tax and legal reserve each year. The Company’s subsidiaries consider to make dividend payment based on various factors that will be mostly beneficial to the shareholders such as each company’s performance and financial status, investment plans in each period as deemed reasonable or appropriate by the Board of Directors of each company. The dividend payment shall not have a significant impact on the Company’s subsidiaries’ normal business operation. The resolution of the Board of Directors of each company on dividend payment shall be further proposed to the shareholders’ meeting for approval, except the payment of interim dividends where the Board of Directors of each company has its authority to approve and then report the same to the next shareholders’ meeting.