Meeting Invitation

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2024 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2024
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2024 (Full Version)
Attachments :
1. Notification of Meeting (with QR Code)
     Annual Registration Statement/ Annual Report for 2023 (“Form 56-1 One Report 2023), together with the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023
2. Profiles of the Nominated Candidates to be Directors in Replacement of the Retired Directors
3. Definition of Independent Director
4. Profiles of Auditors
5. Advice on Necessary Evidence for E-AGM Registration, Appointment of Proxy, Voting, and Vote Counting
6. Guidelines for Attending Electronic Meeting by Inventech Connect
Video manual for Inventech Connect 2024
     Procedures for Submitting an E-Request - Attendance by Shareholder
     Procedures for Submitting an E-Request - Attendance by Proxy (Individual)
     Procedures for Submitting an E-Request - Attendance by Proxy (Juristic Person)
     Procedures for follow up and update e-Request
     Procedure for register (E-Register)
     Procedure for casting a vote (E-Voting)
     Introducing Inventech Connect
7. Profiles of the Independent Directors to be the Proxy for Shareholders
8. Proxy Form
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
9. The Company’s Articles of Association concerning Shareholders Meeting
10. Privacy Notice for the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders of WHA Corporation Public Company Limited
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2023 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2023
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2023 (Full Version)
Attachments :
1. Notification of Meeting (with QR Code)
     Annual Registration Statement/ Annual Report for 2022 (“Form 56-1 One Report 2022), together with the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022
2. Profiles of the Nominated Candidates to be Directors in Replacement of the Retired Directors
3. Definition of Independent Director
4. Profiles of Auditors
5. Advice on Necessary Evidence for E-AGM Registration, Appointment of Proxy, Voting, and Vote Counting
6. Guidelines for Attending Electronic Meeting by Inventech Connect
7. Profiles of the Independent Directors to be the Proxy for Shareholders
8. Proxy Form
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
9. The Company’s Articles of Association concerning Shareholders Meeting
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2022 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2022
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2022 (Full Version)
Attachments :
1. Notification of Meeting (with QR Code)
     Annual Registration Statement/ Annual Report for 2021 (“Form 56-1 One Report 2021”), together with the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021
2. Profiles of the Nominated Candidates to be Directors in Replacement of the Retired Directors
3. Definition of Independent Director
4. Profiles of Auditors
5. Advice on Necessary Evidence for E-AGM Registration, Appointment of Proxy, Voting, and Vote Counting
6. Guidelines for Attending Electronic Meeting by Inventech Connect
7. Profiles of the Independent Directors to be the Proxy for Shareholders
8. Proxy Form
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
9. The Company’s Articles of Association concerning Shareholders Meeting
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2021 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2021
Attachments :
1. Copy of the Minutes of the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2. Annual Report 2020
3. Profile of candidate to be nominated as directors in replacement of the retired directors
4. Details of Directors’ remuneration
5. Proxy form A, B, C, name list, details of the independent director for Proxies Appointment and Definition of Independent Director
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
     Name list, details of the independent director for Proxies Appointment and Definition of Independent Director
6. List of documents required to present at the Meeting
7. Copy of The Company’s Articles of Association in relation to the General Meeting of Shareholders
8. Map of the Meeting venue
9. Precautionary Measures and practices for the 2021 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Under thecircumstance of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2020
Attachments :
1. Copy of the Minutes of the 2019 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2. Annual Report 2019
3. Profile of candidate to be nominated as directors in replacement of the retired directors
4. Details of Directors’ remuneration
5. Proxy form A, B, C, name list, details of the independent director for Proxies Appointment and Definition of Independent Director
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
     Name list, details of the independent director for Proxies Appointment and Definition of Independent Director
6. List of documents required to present at the Meeting
7. Copy of The Company’s Articles of Association in relation to the General Meeting of Shareholders
8. Map of the Meeting venue
9. Precautionary Measures and practices for the 2020 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Under the circumstance of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) outbreak
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2019 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2019
Attachments :
1. Copy of the Minutes of the 2018 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
2. Annual Report 2018
3. Profile of candidate to be nominated as directors in replacement of the retired directors
4. Details of Directors’ remuneration
5. Proxy form A, B, C, name list, details of the independent director for Proxies Appointment and Definition of Independent Director
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
     Name list, details of the independent director for Proxies Appointment and Definition of Independent Director
6. List of documents required to present at the Meeting
7. Copy of The Company’s Articles of Association in relation to the General Meeting of Shareholders
8. Map of the Meeting venue
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2018
Attachments :
1. Copy of the Minutes of the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
3. Profile of candiate to be nominated as directors in replacement of the retired directors and definition of independent director
4. Profile of candidate to be nominated as directors in replacement of the retired directors
5. Details of Directors' remuneration
6. Proxy Form A,B,C, name list, details of the independent director
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
     Name List and Detail of WHA Independent Directors
7. List of documents required to persent to the Meeting date
8. Copy of The Company's Article of Association in relation to the General Meeting of Shareholders
9. Map of the Meeting venue
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2017 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2017
Attachments :
1. Copy of the Minutes of the 2016 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
3. Profile of candiate to be nominated as directors in replacement of the retired directors and definition of independent director
4. Details of Directors' remuneration
5. Proxy Form A,B,C, name list, details of the independent director
     Proxy Form A.
     Proxy Form B.
     Proxy Form C.
     Name List and Detail of WHA Independent Directors
6. List of documents required to persent to the Meeting date
7. Copy of The Company's Article of Association in relation to the General Meeting of Shareholders
8. Map of the Meeting venue
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2016
Attachments :
1. Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2/2015 (Thai Version)
3. Supporting Document for Agenda 6: Profiles of the Candidates who have been Nominated to Replace the Directors Retiring by Rotation (Thai Version)
4. Supporting Document for Agenda 7: Details of the Remuneration of Directors Year 2015 (Thai Version)
5. Supporting Document for Agenda 10: Profiles of the Persons to Appoint to Director Additional (Thai Version)
6. Articles of Association on Meeting of Shareholders (Thai Version)
7. Proxy Form  
Proxy Form A.
Proxy Form B.
Proxy Form C.
8. Guidelines for Proxy Appointment, Registration and Identification Documents Required to Attend and Vote in the Meeting. (Thai Version)
9. Information on Audit Committee Member as Proxy to Attend the Meeting (Thai Version)
10. Map (Thai Version)
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.2/2015 Download
Invitation for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.2/2015 (Thai Version)
Attachments :
1. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2015 (Thai Version)
2. Information Memorandum on Acquisition of Assets (Thai Version)
3. Preliminary Details of Warrants (Thai Version)
4. Articles of Association on Meeting of Shareholders (Thai Version)
5. Proxy Form  
Proxy Form A.
Proxy Form B.
Proxy Form C.
6. Guidelines for Proxy Appointment, Registration and Identification Documents Required to Attend and Vote in the Meeting. (Thai Version)
7. Information on Audit Committee Member as Proxy to Attend the Meeting (Thai Version)
8. Map (Thai Version)

Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2015 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2015
Attachments :
1. Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2015 (Thai Version)
3. Supporting Document for Agenda 8: Profiles of the Candidates who have been Nominated to Replace the Directors Retiring by Rotation (Thai Version)
4. Supporting Document for Agenda 9: Details of the Remuneration of Directors Year 2014 (Thai Version)
5. Articles of Association on Meeting of Shareholders (Thai Version)
6. Proxy Form  
Proxy Form A.
Proxy Form B.
Proxy Form C.
7. Guidelines for Proxy Appointment, Registration and Identification Documents Required to Attend and Vote in the Meeting (Thai Version)
8. Information on Audit Committee Member as Proxy to Attend the Meeting (Thai Version)
9. Map (Thai Version)

Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2015 Download
Invitation for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders No.1/2015 (Thai Version)
Attachments :
1. Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 (Thai Version)
2. Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor on Acquisition Transaction
3. Information Memorandum on Acquisition of Assets (Thai Version)
Company Profile (Thai Version)
4. Preliminary Details of Warrants (Thai Version)
5. Proxy Form  
Proxy Form A.
Proxy Form B.
Proxy Form C.
6. Information on Audit Committee Member as Proxy to Attend the Meeting (Thai Version)
7. Articles of Association (Thai Version)
8. Guidelines for Proxy Appointment, Registration and Identification Documents Required to Attend and Vote in the Meeting. (Thai Version)
9. Map (Thai Version)
10. Registration Form
Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2014 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2014 (Thai Version)
Attachments :
1. Minutes of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2013 (Thai Version)
3. Profiles of the Candidates who have been Nominated to Replace the Directors Retiring by Rotation (Thai Version)
4. Profiles of the Persons to Appoint to Director Additional (Thai Version)
5. Articles of Association (Thai Version)
6. Proxy Form
Proxy Form A.
Proxy Form B.
Proxy Form C.
7. Guidelines for Proxy Appointment, Registration and Identification Documents Required to Attend and Vote in the Meeting. (Thai Version)
8. Information on Audit Committee Member as Proxy to Attend the Meeting (Thai Version)
9. Map (Thai Version)
10. Registration Form
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 2013 Download
Invitation for Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2013 (Thai Version)
Attachments :
4. Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor Regarding the Disposal of Assets-Jaydee (Thai Version)
8. Opinion of the Independent Financial Advisor Regarding the Acquisition of Assets-OSK (Thai Version)


Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 2013 Download
Invitation for Annual General Meeting of Shareholders 1/2013 (Thai Version)