1. What are WHA’s main businesses?

  • The Company operates 4 core businesses, which are (1) Logistics & Industrial Properties Business (2) Industrial Estate Development Business (3) Utilities and Power Business and (4) Digital Platform Business. These business hubs are synergized and are the foundation of the company's future sustainable growth.

2. Will WHA continue to invest in projects abroad?

  • The company opens for opportunities both in-bound and out-bound, depending on the appropriate returns.

3. What is WHA’s dividend policy?

  • The Company has a policy to pay out dividends at not less than 40.0% of its net profits stated on the Company financial statements after deduction of the corporate income tax and legal reserve each year. The Company considers dividend payment based on factors that deem to be the most beneficial to the shareholders such as the Company’s performance and financial status, investment plans in each period as deemed reasonable or appropriate by the Board of Directors. The dividend payment shall not have significant impact on the Company’s normal operation. The resolution of the Board of Directors on dividend payment has to be proposed to the shareholders for approval, except payment of the interim dividends where the Board of Directors has its authority to approve and then report the same to the next shareholders’ meeting.

    The Company’s subsidiaries have a policy to pay out dividends at not less than 20.0% of its net profits stated on the company financial statements after deduction of the corporate income tax and legal reserve each year. Nevertheless, The Company’s subsidiaries also consider dividend payment based on factors that deem to be the most beneficial to the shareholders such as the subsidiaries performance and financial status, investment plans in each period as deemed reasonable or appropriate by its Board of Directors. The dividend payment shall not have significant impact on the Company’s normal operation. The resolution of the Board of Directors on dividend payment has to be proposed to the shareholders for approval.

4. Does WHA pay interim dividends and if that is the case, at which rate?

  • WHA will consider paying interim dividends as it deems appropriate.

5. When the dividends will be paid by WHA?

  • Within 1 month after it is resolved by the general shareholders meeting or the board of directors meeting, as the case may be.

6. How WHA pays dividends to shareholders?

  • WHA will make payment of dividend to the shareholders by 2 methods: (i) by transferring to shareholders' designated bank accounts, or (ii) by cashier cheques.

7. If shareholders are not able to attend the general shareholders meeting, how can they preserve their rights?

    1. Any shareholders can appoint another person as his/her proxy to vote on his/her behalf at the general shareholders meeting by preparing a proxy form based on the form prescribed by law. The proxy must submit the duly executed proxy form to the WHA’s officer at the place of the meeting before attending the meeting.
    2. Any shareholders can appoint an independent director of WHA as his/her proxy by indicating the name of independent director on the proxy form provided by WHA to shareholders together with the notice of the general shareholders meeting. The duly executed proxy form in this regard must be delivered to WHA prior to the date of the general shareholders meeting.

8. How do shareholders obtain WHA’s financial statements and/or WHA’s Annual Report?

  • Prior to each annual general shareholders meeting, the shareholders will receive the annual report (in QR Code format) containing the annual audited financial statements and a summary of financial statements together with the notice of the general shareholders meeting. In addition, the shareholders can also download a soft copy of the annual report from https://wha.listedcompany.com/ar.html.

9. What is WHA’s CG rating?

  • WHA is ranked as excellent (5 scores) CG from IOD.

10. What are communication channels for IR information of WHA?